P/HOU/2022/06085 |
Coasters Cottage, Gunville Lane - Erect Single Storey extension |
Granted |
P/LBC/2022/03104 |
Church Farm, Hilfield - Internal alterations including installing an aga, and installation of external vent for aga |
No objections |
Granted |
P/FUL/2022/02931 |
Knapp Farm, Load Lane, Hilfield - Erect Agricultural workers cottage |
Withdrawn |
P/HOU/2022/02837 |
Hilfield Manor - Single storey extension |
Granted |
P/HOU/2022/01169 |
Daughters Farm Three Gates - Erect single storey and two storey extention, dormer and solar panels |
Granted |
Planning Applications 2021 |
P/HOU/2021/04541 |
Hilfield Manor: Erect external fire escape, balcony to south elevation, new garage doors and widen existing (part retrospective) |
Granted |
P/FUL/2021/03669 |
Common Farm, Hermitage. Erection of butchery unit and conversion of existing outbuilding to office/staff room. |
Objection |
Refused |
P/HOU/2021/04527 |
New Inn, Batcombe. Demoliah existing outbuilding and erect garage. |
No Objection |
Granted |
P/FUL/2021/03426 |
Harris Farm, Batcombe. Change of use of land to extend residential curtidge. |
No Objection |
Granted |
P/LBC/2021/02043 |
Redford Farm, Melbury Bubb: Demolition of existing outbuilding and erect 1 No. replacement building. Carry out all internal and external alterations in association to this. |
P/FUL/2021/02042 |
Redford Farm, Melbury Bubb: Erect replacement outbuilding for storage and vehicle parking, (demolish existing). |
Granted |
WD/D/21/000048 |
Drummers Farm Change of use of agricultural land to campsite (10 pitches). |
No Objections |
Approved |
Park View Hermitage To Holnest Park Farmhouse - Erection of detached garage with workshop & playroom
No Objections |
Approved |
P/FUL/2021/00465 |
Redford Farm, Melbury Bubb. Erection of an agricultural building to cover an open silage clamp. |
No Objections |
Approved |
P/FUL/2021/00318 |
Three Gates Farm: Demolition of existing building & erection of 3no. dwellings Location: Three Gates Farm Three Gates
Objection |
Approved |
P/HOU/2021/00264 |
Scotley Farm Road, Past Scotley Farm to Dyers Farm: Erection of 2 storey extension |
No Objections |
WD/D/20/000048 |
Land to east of Batcombe Road, Leigh - Change of use from agricultural land to campsite to accomodate 10 No. pitches |
No Objections |
Approved |
WD/D/20/003016 |
School House, Stile Way, Batcombe - Erection of single and 2 storey rear extension |
Planning Applications 2020 |
WD/D/20/002323 |
Minterns Folly, Batcombe - Certificate of Lawfulness for removal of conservatory and replacement with single storey extension |
Approved |
WD/D/20/002029 |
North Cottage, Holnest Park - Conversion of workshop to accomodation |
Support |
Approved |
WD/D/20/001497 |
Park House, Stile Way, Batcombe - erection of first floor extension over existing single storey utility room |
Support |
Approved |
WD/D/20/001361 |
Williford Farm, Hermitage Certificate of Lawfulness - outline planning permission for dwelling |
Objection |
Approved |
WD/D/20/001084 |
Revised New Inn, Batcombe - Erect two storey side extension, balcony and installation of solar panels. |
Approved |
WD/D/20/001015 |
Redford Farm, Melbury Bubb; Structural work to silage clamp |
Support |
Approved |
WD/D/20/000895 |
Blackberry Farm, Hartley Street, Hermitage, DT2 7BB - Erect Triple Garage and log store. |
Support |
Approved |
WD/D/20/000497 |
New Inn, Batcombe - Erect two storey side extension, balcony and installation of solar panels. |
Withdrawn |
Planning Applications 2019 |
WD/D/19/002854 |
Scotley Farm, Batcombe - approval of reserved matter for access, appearance, landscaping and layout in relation to outline planning |
Approval of Reserved Matters |
WD/D/19/002710 |
George Albert Hotel, Warden Hill - for change of use of the land and erection of Holiday Lodges & Staff Accommodation Units, together with infrastructure to form a 5* exclusive Holiday Lodge Park in lieu of the current land use of motor racing circuit, shooting ground & static caravan park
Revised plans received 01.04.21 - reduced number of lodges.
Objection |
WD/D/19/001913 |
Roecombe House, Hermitage Lane - Erection of timber framed garage |
No obejctions |
Approved |
WD/D/19/002154 |
Buck Cottage, Hermitage - Erection of single storey extension |
No objections |
WD/D/19/000801 |
Scotley Farm, Batcombe. Outline planning permission for erection of one farm workers dwelling. |
No objections |
Approved |
WD/D/19/000390 |
Hermitage Lane, Hermitage: Notification under the Electricity Act 1989 - To install a new low voltage overhead line crossing Hermitage lane |
WD/D/19/000141 |
Rose Cottage, Castle Lane, Hilfield: Demolition of conservatory, erection of two storey rear extension, 2no. single storey extensions, porch and replacement balcony (variation of condition 1 to planning permission WD/D/18/001547 to allow glazing bars to all windows, the extent of proposed balcony to be increased, size and position of some windows to be amended, the extent of proposed roof to be amended, additional 2 No. dormer windows, replace timber cladding with render to match existing building and extend two storey extension at first floor level). |
Support |
DCC Approved |
Planning Applications 2018 |
WD/D/18/000610 |
Knapp Farm, Hilfield - Erection of an agricultural building (Full) |
No Objections |
Approved |
WD/D/18/001999 |
Three Gates Farm, Leigh - Erection of extension to original cow barn. |
No Objections |
Approved |
WD/D/18/001925 |
Dyers Farm, Batcombe - General Permitted Development. Erection of 3 buildings. |
WD/D/18/001662 |
Yew Tree House, Hermitage - Demolition of existing cottage & outbuildings, the re-location of one existing shed structure & construction of 1no. replacement dwelling. (Variation of conditions 1 of planning permission WD/D/18/000417 Amended plans ) |
No objections |
Approved |
WD/D/18/001652 |
Southern Counties shooting ground - construction of a solar photovoltaic park and associated equipment (Variation of Condition 4 of Planning Approval WD/D/14/003367Amendment of Decommissioning of Solar Park to within 40 years and six months instead of 25 years and six months following completion of construction of development) |
Approved |
WD/D/18/001547 |
Rose Cottage, Castle Farm, Threegates - Demolition of conservatory, erection of two storey rear extension, 2no. single storey extensions, porch and replacement balcony. |
No objections |
Approved |
WD/D/18/001055 |
Land Adjacent to Hermitage Village Hall, Hermitage Lane - Demolition of existing agricultural equipment shelter and erection of a dwelling |
Objection |
Withdrawn |
WD/D/18/000417 |
Yew Tree House, Hermitage - Demolition of existing cottage & outbuildings, erection of one existing long shed & construction of 1no. replacement dwelling |
No objections |
Approved |
WD/D/18/000223 |
1 Church View Cottage, Hilfield - REQUEST FOR CONFIRMATION WITH COMPLIANCE of condition 4 of planning approval WD/D/17/000977 (Compliance with conditions) |
WD/D/18/000338 |
Summerlands Farm, Gunville Lane, Hermitage - Change of use of agriculatural barn to dwelling (Prior Approval Agricultural to dwelling) |
Prior Approval approved |
WD/D/17/002961 |
Batcombe Hill House, Stile Way - Two storey and single storey extensions to existing detached dwelling |
No Objections |
Approved |
WD/D/17/002986 |
Park View, Hermitage to Holnest Park Farmhouse - Replacement garage with store and utility. Renewal of application WD/D/15/00300 |
No objections |
Approved |
WD/D/17/002763 |
Harris Farm, Stile Way, Batcombe - Change of use and conversion of redundant agricultural barn to form a single dwelling |
No objections |
Approved |
WD/D/18/000223 |
1 Church View Cottage, Hilfield - erection of first floor rear extension: Revision |
Approved |
Planning Applications 2017 |
WD/D/17/002490 |
Pogles Wood, Three Gates, Leigh - Sitting of a log cabin in connection with existing educational use (Full) |
WD/D/17/002292 |
Court Farm, Batcombe - Approval of all reserved matters for planning approval WD/D/16/00603 |
No objections |
Approved. |
WD/D/17/001934 |
Yew Tree House, Hermitage Lane, Hermitage - Demolition of existing cottage and outbuildings, relocation of one existing long shed and construction of a new replacement dwelling |
Comment made expressing PC wishes for applicant to withdraw the application. |
Planning permission withdrawn. |
WD/D/17/001966 |
Church Farm House, Stile Way, Batcombe - Request for confirmation of compliance with conditions 4 & 5 of application WD/D/17/00326 |
WD/D/17/002228 |
Summerlands Farm, Gunville Lane, Hermitage - Notification for Prior Approval for a Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Building to a Dwellinghouse |
Planning Permission required. |
WD/D/17/001688 |
Osmond Farm, Hermitage - conversion of two garages to single storey annex accomodation |
WD/D/17/001605 |
Harris Farm, Batcombe - change of use and conversion from a redundant agricultural building to form a single dwelling |
No Objections |
WD/D/17/000977 |
1 Church View Cottage, Hilfield - erection of first floor rear extension |
No Objections |
Approved |
WD/D/17/000602 |
Yew Tree House, Hermitage - extension to main dwelling and demolition of 3 existing sheds: erect replacement porch with rear dormer roof extension. Install 3 velux roof lights in south facing roof with 12 photovoltaic panels. Replace existing garage with new double garage. |
Certificate of lawfulness |
Approved |
Church Farm House, Batcombe - proposed link between listed farmhouse and nearby outbuilding. Revised access from lane (Stile Way). |
No Objections |
Approved |
WD/D/17/000352 |
Daughters Farm, Three Gates, Leigh - proposed relocation and improvement of existing entrance (Retrospective) |
No Objections |
Approved |
Planning Applications 2016
WD/D/16/001770 |
Yew Tree House, Hermitage - demolition of existing cottage, relocation of one existing long shed and construction of new replacement dwelling (FULL) |
Objection |
WD/D/16/002136 |
Three Gates Farm, Leigh - replacement of existing agricultural building with 2 agricultural workers dwellings (FULL) |
Objection |
WD/D/16/00603 |
Court Farm, Great Head Lane, Batcombe, Outline planning application for erection of agricultural dwelling (Outline) |
No objections |
Planning Applications 2015 |
WD/D/15/00748 |
Church View Cottage, Hilfield - erection of first floor rear extension |
No Objections |
Refused |